Your interior world is a sacred space and I treat it as such. The efficacy of my practice is largely influenced by my foundational ethics and values as your divinatory consultant. Below are fundamental principals and perspectives that guide my practice.
1. Consent is Non-Negotiable
All readings require active and fully-informed consent. This is non-negotiable.
Non-consensual acts of spiritual work can look like:
Purposefully misleading clients to encourage repeat services.
Pulling cards or reading charts on behalf of an unknowing or otherwise non-consenting party.
2. Truths Shall Not Be Weaponized
Truths are tools, not weapons. Applying a trauma-informed lens to my work involves treating truths and truth-telling insights as tools for self-accountability and empowerment, not as a means to intimidate, manipulate, or provoke shame.
3. Care is a Deliberate and Radical Act of Liberatory World-Making
Care work is an essential, indispensable part of our collective transformation and survival. It fortifies our communities with the resources we need to imagine and live into liberatory futures. In a world that allows those who need the most care - by which I mean, those most impacted by systems of oppression - to be swiftly disposed of in the face of local and global emergencies, giving and receiving care are defiant acts of self and community preservation.
4. I Reserve the Right to Protect My Energy
It is both my right and my responsibility to protect my energy. Boundaries shape my practice as a reader and allow me show up fully for my clients. As such, I reserve the right to decline services to anyone who attempts to infringe on my emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual boundaries.
At this time, infringing on my boundaries can look like:
Using my inbox to emotionally unload. While I absolutely welcome (and love reading!) updates about your progress, new insights, or specific questions pertaining to a recent reading, please refrain from sending long stream-of-consciousness emails that serve no other purpose than emotional dumping. Please be mindful.
Asking for discounted or free services that aren’t already offered. I offer free resources and a limited number of sliding scale services per month in accordance with what is financially feasible for me.
5. Center Black Liberation and Indigenous Sovereignty
The American Indian Religious Freedom Act was passed in 1978. This means that, up until 1978, Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island were legally persecuted for practicing traditional ceremonies and rites, accessing sacred sites, and otherwise possessing culturally specific sacred objects. Similarly, trafficked and enslaved Africans were persecuted for practicing spiritual rites and traditions of Traditional African Religions. Hoodoo - a Black American spiritual and magickal practice born from the American South - was born out of the ingenuity of Black survival and Black-Indigenous solidarity.
My tarot practice is shaped and heavily informed by Black American Hoodoo traditions. It is, therefore, crucial that I build a practice that protects the integrity of these spiritual roots. This means recognizing the impact that colonial violence, capitalism, and White Supremacy has had and continues to have on my ancestors and kinfolk. My commitment to acting from a place of ongoing resistance and solidarity often looks like prioritizing the needs and voices of Black, Indigenous, and otherwise non-White community members. It also means pushing back against the whitewashing and gentrification of these practices.
While I do offer my services to White folks at this time, I do so with acute awareness of how Whiteness (and White supremacist definitions of health and wellness) is centered in far too many spaces where spiritualism, occultism, and old medicine intersect. It’s important for all my clients to understand that, here, we center Black femme voices, visions, boundaries, and needs.
For White folks who are seeking my services, I ask that you deeply consider what it means to build a meaningful professional relationship with a Black, multiracial, queer, working class femme and to prioritize reciprocity as the central building block to our working relationship.
6. Interior Landscapes Are Sacred Sites
Spiritual care services often involve turning over old logs in forgotten or neglected areas of your interior world. I recognize the distinct honor and privilege I have in accessing those sites as a practitioner, and I don’t take your trust for granted. I am, therefore, committed to honoring your privacy and approaching with the utmost care.
This is delicate work and it’s perfectly reasonable to pipe up about any needs you might have before we proceed. I welcome any conversations about any boundaries or access needs you might have around receiving readings.
7. Readings can’t Replace other modes of Health Care
I would be remiss if I neglect to drive home this final point: a tarot reading is not the same as therapy from licensed mental health professionals or a substitute for any kind of professional medical advice. While tarot readings and other spiritual care services can support the work you’re doing with other healthcare providers, it is by no means a replacement. If I believe that your request requires professional support beyond what I can offer, I will, without hesitation, inform you of my limitations and urge you to seek appropriate support.