Tarot consultations are not meant replace mental and physical health care provided by licensed medical professionals. Please use appropriate discretion.
As a spiritual care practitioner who works with healthcare professionals to maintain my wellness, I use divination to navigate the Medical Industrial Complex and gain clarity on how I can best advocate for my needs. I encourage clients and loved ones - particularly those of us who embody historically disenfranchised identities and are most exposed to the violence perpetuated by medical institutions - to use divination and other culturally appropriate spiritual and esoteric tools as a means to gather insight. Divination can be a powerful way to contextualize your challenges, gain perspective, and resource yourself.
However, I would be remiss if I neglect to inform you: A tarot reading is not the same as getting therapy from licensed mental health professionals or a substitute for any kind of professional medical advice or care. While tarot readings and other spiritual care services are often therapeutic in nature and can fortify the work you’re doing with other healthcare providers, it is by no means a replacement for medical care.
Whether you decide to book a tarot consultation with me or not, I want you to be well. If I believe that your request requires professional support beyond what I can offer, I will, without hesitation, inform you of my limitations and urge you to seek appropriate care.
With love,

Service Description
Full Tarot Consultations are a fantastic way to resource yourself and be witnessed during moments of change, transition, reflection, and when integrating (or anticipating) life’s milestones. Full Tarot Consultations plant your explorations in a firm spiritual and material context, offering a mosaic of illuminations that bring the bigger picture into sharper focus. We peer into the energies embedded in the themes of your past, present and future to trace the throughlines that uphold the arc of your story. Equipped with context, I close the reading with open-ended questions individually tailored to help you integrate messages, track progress, and make new connections that propel you forward.
This reading includes:
1 pre-reading 15min consultation (phone or video call)
6 card tarot spread (photo included)
Voice recording of the reading sent to you (typically 30-40min)
Self-reflection inquiries, affirmations, and/or ideas for further exploration

Service Description
Combining the practical wisdom of the tarot with the empathic warmth of my oracle decks, Shadow Integration Readings offer a structured, non-judgmental space for you to revive your curiosity around tender subjects.
Your shadow self - or, the parts of you that you knowingly or unknowingly reject, often through conscious or subconscious acts of fragmentation, suppression, distancing, or denial - reflects the vulnerable underbelly of your most powerful self. Shadow Integration Readings can be an empowering way to access care and activate your personal agency as you build a relationship with the parts of you that are challenging to accept or fully integrate.
Here, we give language to recurring patterns, survival narratives and ghosts of the past by examining them through a fresh lens. We’ll gather insight to facilitate a shift in how you relate to your shadows, opening up opportunities to reconcile areas of fragmentation. Each reading will close with individually tailored self-reflection questions and affirmations to support you in reclaiming your peace through acts of spiritual self-accountability.
This reading includes:
1 pre-reading 15min consultation (phone, video call)
6 card tarot + oracle spread (photo included)
Voice recording of the reading sent to you (30-40 min)
Self-reflection inquiries, affirmations, and/or ideas for further exploration

office hours
$75 - $135
Service Description
This offering is as straightforward as it sounds. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or are completely new to tarot, an Office Hours session is a wonderful option for folks who are seeking 1:1 support while cultivating a personal tarot practice.
Office Hours can be booked in 30-minute or 60-minute sessions, with each session prepared in advance and tailored to your specific set of questions. Topics can range from the philosophical to the mechanical. Let’s talk shop!
Here are a few examples of what we can cover during Office Hours:
Practical tips for working with the archetypes of the Major Arcana in your daily life
Reliable resources to guide independently facilitated study
Using tarot for ancestral veneration/elevation work
Tips for getting acquainted with a new deck
While this is a relatively open-ended offering, please note that it is distinct from readings. Readings are how I share my practice with you, while Office Hours are how I witness and support yours. As such, please note that Office Hours cannot be used to conduct any readings. If my cards make an appearance, it would only be used as a teaching tool, not for divination.
Each Office Hour Session includes:
1:1 live support tailored to your question(s) and learning goals
A recording of our session